
Seduction is absolutely NECESSARY!
You see, in order to attract and seduce women, you have to trigger certain feelings of interest right away - as soon as you approach a woman. Getting women isn't about getting lucky - it's about showing her the self-confidence she needs to see from you.
"Seduction" really means having the ability to trigger a woman's attraction for you, within minutes of when you meet a woman, and without any hypnosis or "patterns" or phony tricks.
In fact, giving them what women want is really about just being YOU. You can get a girl without any pretense.
The trick is to bring out the strong, confident parts of you that will give you true SUCCESS WITH WOMEN.
Just ask yourself
- Are you ready to learn what the experts know about how to seduce women?
- Are you tired of wasting time and money reading dating tips in self-help books and newsletters that don't give you any idea on what the real deal is about what women want?
- Are you tired of missing out on getting women while other guys seduce girls with ease?
- Are you looking for a complete, step by step method for meeting women and seduction advice that you can really use?
Have you ever been to one of those business meetings where they show you an opportunity for making money, and all you have to do are "these five easy steps"... And then they bring out guys who are treated like leaders of a cult because they were able to get this system to work for them. "Do this!" they say, and you can make $200,000 an hour and retire to the Caribbean.
You notice that no one else there is having any great success at this, but if he can do it... well, maybe I can...
You see, most of those fast seduction advice sites out there with dating tips and books with "fast" seduction techniques, or those geared toward "speed," are like this. Only one guy in a thousand has the skills to ever make it work... and it feels creepy to try to hypnotize her and use nothing but "NLP" tactics without any personality - without any you...
Why not just be yourself, but by bringing out the better parts of yourself to start with?
Well, I'm here to tell you that you can. And this WILL attract women to you. It's powerful.
No man wants to use deception to get laid. You just have to bring out the right qualities to get women attracted to you.
In fact, I don't think you should buy my e-book until you're sick of all the lame advice you'll get from the other "experts." Go try their "systems", and then, when you've had enough, come back here and get my e-books.
The problem?
If you don't learn the correct ways to attract women,
you're going to actually hurt your ability over the long run.
You won't get better by accident!
Let Me Ask You A Few Questions...
- Are you the kind of guy who goes out on dates with women and winds up paying for the dinner, the movie, and then you don't even get a kiss goodnight? You call her the next day, and she tells you you're "nice", but she'd rather be friends. As they say, nice guys finish last.
- Are you the kind of guy who struggles to talk with women, to find the right words to keep her interested in a conversation, much less moving toward sexual attraction?
- Are you the kind of man who knows he's not a "bad" guy for wanting sex, but can't shake the guilty feeling that you're doing something wrong by trying to seduce women or just trying to get laid?
- Are you the kind of guy who gets laid on occasion, a one night stand every so often, but it's often in spite of what you do instead of because of what you do? You simply want to know what it is that that attracts women to you.
- Are you the kind of guy who stands back in fear of rejection and failure with women? You know you'd approach women if you only knew what it is that you should do.
I Want To Give You Concrete Results
In Your Dating Life...
You want to be able to seduce beautiful women, not just the pale drunk chick with the pierced eyebrow straight from a vampire convention. For most men, the ability to seduce women is the ultimate statement of his virility.
I've been in bars when it's getting near closing time, and you see all the guys desperately hurrying to approach woman just to get laid. When I saw what was going on, I put my beer down and walked out, shook my head, and vowed that I would never have to sink that low to get a girlfriend.
I wanted - No, I needed to figure out how this thing called seduction worked with women. And when I did, I knew I'd pass it on to other men.
I studied psychology, motivation, human behavior, other guys who were the "naturals," relationship books (those were the worst) ... anything I could get my hands on to figure out this one important thing: How to seduce women - and not be a creep in the process.
99% of the relationship books I found were crap, and most were written by women who didn't know the first thing about why they kept jumping into "toxic relationships." I found a few seduction guides (which are out of print now) that seemed to have a few good clues, but they still didn't hit the mark. Nor did they talk about how to approach women - the most important step of all.
I joined a few dating services and placed some personals, practicing what I learned. I knew that the more women I dated, the more women I would get - and I'd get laid even more.
Well, I got laid here and there, and yeah, I got a few one-night-stands, but it wasn't consistent, and I started to see how to seduce hot women here and there, and then consistently.
So I kept looking. Slowly, in the back of my head, I was building the techniques and theories, and they were about to be pulled together into a comprehensive "Method" for seduction success.
Learn Practical Seduction Skills That Aren't 'Creepy' Or Disrespectful...
I had my breakthrough with a cute art student who I met through the personals in Kansas City. We went out and had some laughs, and I ended up with her at my apartment. All of a sudden, this thought struck me like a bolt of lightning. I nodded my head at the truth I had just realized.
YES! I see how this works now.
I knew my success was guaranteed. Later, we went skinny dipping in the pool in front of my apartments around midnight, where I gave her some extensive oral pleasure, and then we went back and enjoyed an entire night of bed-burning sex.
(Okay, back then it was a futon, but I got no complaints...)
How could this be?
What was my great realization that got me this
instant seduction success?
Guys, I set out to do what these other books cannot. The Seduction Method e-book is the most complete and useful seduction information you can get.
It's easy, it's workable, and ANY guy can understand and put it to use right away.
It's not a "system" that requires you to memorize trance lines or long stories to approach women or talk to women.
It's not a special hypnosis method.
And it doesn't require you to be a slimy bar-rat to get women and get laid tonight.
Like I said, you shouldn't try this information until you've tried the others out there. And when you're unsatisfied with what you find, you can come back here. That's what ends up happening all the time.
No lying to women. No tricks necessary. Pickup is actually very simple...
If you are looking for a magic bullet that will put you in bed with every beautiful woman you want in an hour, it doesn't exist, and anyone that sells it to you is peddling Snake Oil.
However, you can improve your seduction ability to the point where you will massively increase your success, just by applying some essential skills and tips. These dating and seduction secrets are all in The Seduction Method.
I put together the best of the best when it comes to seduction strategies.
Here Are the Dating and Seduction Secrets You'll learn
- Why seduction is natural, and how you're being seduced every day
- The foundations of successful seduction
- What women want in words, touch, and physical body language from you - and what she wants you to read
- How to keep your finger on her "sexual pulse" so that you know where you stand through the whole seduction
- How to never get shot down again using stupid pickup lines, and always have an emergency escape for any seduction situation. You'll learn the best techniques for approaching women in any situation.
Stop me if this sounds familiar: You're out on a date with Virginia, the hot babe from accounting, and you've just walked her to her front door, being the gentleman that you are. You lean in for a kiss, and she gives you a peck on the cheek, along with that sweet smile that makes you sick inside.
You feel a mix of feelings right then: frustration, anger, embarrassment, humiliation, exasperation. She goes in and says "I had fun - I'll call you sometime." You go back to your car and beat your head on the steering wheel.
Why does this keep happening? Aren't there dating rules to prevent this?
What Do You Say to Stop Her and Not Let Her Get Away?
Men today are struggling...
Every man wants to get laid and enjoy a healthy sex life, but you're totally mystified about what it takes to score with women. There's so much nonsense out there that it's tough to trust anyone.
Until now...
The Seduction Method Shows You In-Depth,
Seduction Techniques & Explanations
You see, a lot of guys are not only reluctant to get help, they're downright stubborn and resistant to improving their education about women and improving their sexual success. We men need to be know-it-alls and figure it out for ourselves, and we're convinced that we're already doing what we should - even if we know deep inside that we're not getting the results we want.
Our egos blind us to improving our lives.
I used to look at seduction the same way. I figured I was getting all the women I was going to get, and if there were other information out there, it wouldn't help me. My ego was blinding me to the fact that I didn't know everything, and I could find a way to get more women and sex in my life.
When I gave up having to be right, and I started being a student again, learning from those who were doing what I wanted to be able to do, I started getting laid as much as I wanted.
Think about it: If you fail when seducing a woman, you lose. Both of you lose. You don't get to give her or you the pleasure of what will happen between you. On the other hand, if you succeed, you both win. You both get to share the joy of the seduction and the intimacy. It's a win-win situation.
There's no reason to feel bad about seduction.
So What Exactly is The Seduction Method?
The Seduction Method home study program is a three book set - a complete, step-by-step process of pick-up and seduction, with examples, phrasings, critical principles and concepts, and much more.
Simply stated, it's a complete program to turn your life around and get you more success with women.
We start with how to approach women. We tell you what women want in a man,. then we'll cover how to attract women using the basic psychological principles that rule us all.
You must also know how to satisfy
women in the bedroom - every single time...
Imagine you're a blind man, and you've just been put in a room with a handful of darts. They spin you around and tell you there's a dartboard in the room, and you have to hit the bull's-eye to score. You're left alone to start throwing darts.
By virtue of sheer luck, if you could throw enough darts, you'd eventually get a bull's-eye. It might not be soon, but it would happen at some point. Now, imagine if you could get a little practice aiming, and that you were lined up in front of the board. Your odds would improve, wouldn't they?
Then, imagine you're given the best darts made, and expert repeated instruction on exactly how to shoot them consistently every time.
Eventually, you'll be hitting bull's-eyes all the time.
That's what these e-books will do for you. Hone your skills so that you know exactly what to do and when to score when you throw. When you get done learning The Seduction Method, you'll feel like someone just gave this blind man back his sight. Without this knowledge, you'll be throwing those darts in the walls, in the ceiling, in your foot - everywhere but where they need to be.
Here are just a few of the things you'll learn...
- Where to meet women - for real, and
we're not talking about just the singles bars... Most guys won't meet their
next girlfriend in a bar - so you need to be going to the right locations...
- What to say - exactly what words to use, including the inflection
and pacing that make women pay attention and drive up their attraction levels...
- How to prepare for seduction - what to wear,
clothes, cologne, shoes, jewelry - create the right image that doesn't look
like you're "trying too hard..."
- How to prepare your inner game - keeping your attitude
right and tight, and keeping your confidence level high...
- Women's psychology - what she's thinking during
the whole process, as well as her motivations and needs - what you must understand
if you're going to stop memorizing "scripts..."
- Sexual Secrets - How to drive your woman wild in bed - for real! Learn the truth about the G-spot, cunnilingus, anal sex, and much more...
- How to progress from a smile to touching to kissing to
sex - the roadmap from start to finish...
- The 20 Secret Principles of Seduction Psychology, and how
they work...
- What the true process of seduction really is and how it works - HINT:
It's not what you think!
- What a woman is really looking for from a man before she gets intimate with
him, and how
to give exactly what she wants to her
- Not only the techniques and strategies to use and practice,
but how to keep
sharpening these skills and developing them as you go so that you
improve all on your own...
- Why you can't aim for seduction to achieve
seduction, and what your real goal should
be if you want to get physical with a woman...
- Why women want seduction as much as you do - and how to
leverage this secret...
- How to always be prepared with your "Planning
Horizon" so that you never miss a step in your seduction method...
- How to rid yourself of worry and anxiety in the process of learning better
attraction skills - for more peace of mind and calm in your life...
- How to use the "Two S's" to your advantage -
driving up a woman's interest in you by understanding her basic psychology...
- Increasing your desirability in women's eyes - how to become
the "prize" and demonstrate high social value...
- How to talk to a woman and how to avoid conversational
- What you need to say to her to put her into a passionate, suggestive
- The Veil of Romantic Illusion, and how to pace
yourself to stay on track and not scare women off too soon - most guys are
making this mistake and never getting the second date - or a second chance...
- How to get past her defensive shields, and recognize her
secret personal triggers - unique to her...
- The Sphere of Control and the Sphere of Influence - how you avoid confusing
and losing your inner game with women...
- The Seduction Attitude, and the 4 key traits that make it work...
- The 17 Seduction Types - the 17 personalities of women you must understand
so you can adapt your game to her type...
- How to be the jerk women adore - the essence
of the attitude that most men are too afraid to use - The JERK - and how you
can use the right parts to give you that "bad boy" edge...
- Get rid of your "masculine anger" with women and learn how to love every
woman you meet...
- The essence of how a woman sees herself - the secret motivation that drives
all women in love, sex, and relationships...
- How to handle your "introverted" nature (for the shy seducer) -
you don't need to let your shyness cripple you or handicap your game with women...
- How to get past a woman's trust defenses - not with TRICKS,
but with the understanding of how to give her what she needs most to let you
- The Secret of the Role Reversal, and how
to seduce her with your humor - the one technique I have used extensively
and taught to men that will yield you the most attraction and playful energy...
- The Key Psychological Attractor, and how it is essential
to your seduction techniques...
- Dominant and Submissive behaviors, and how to use them at the right time,
and in the right amounts to "calibrate" yourself and have the most impact on
- Handling seduction setbacks, like her negative
friends, excuses, and emotional
- The TRUTH about one-night-stands
- A proven, effective method to getting women into a threesome
- Charged words and how to use them in conversation to have
maximum emotional impact on a woman's state...
- The Ultimate Seduction Secret - the one thing
you must do well to seduce a woman so that you keep your respect, and hers...
- The 6 Biggest and Most Common Mistakes men make with their sexual power...
- How to communicate through body language and voice inflection
accurately and effectively...
- Ever been talking to a woman, thought it was going great, and then she
abandons you without even a phone number? How to stay
in control of
the conversation so that you don't feel awkward or anxious...
- Imaginary Competition - never let it affect
you or steal your confidence ever again...
- Avoiding the Crazies - never be stalked or have to deal
with the women that are too unstable to date - and how to avoid them before
you get involved with the wrong kind of woman...
- The Seducer's Utility belt - what you can never
leave home without (and it's not just your credit card...)
- Turn your home or apartment into your own lair, with
all the detailed instructions of how you handle it when you get her back
to your place...
- My "Waterfall" Method of maximizing your success with women - and not having
to hustle for one-night-stands ever again...
- The 5 Ways to spark a woman's attraction in the shortest
time, as well
as how they fit together...
- 3 Ways to increase the sexual tension in the conversation so that she cannot
leave you as just another 'friend...'
- 15 of my best "kiss maneuvers" to use your lips in ways that women find
the most sexy and alluring...
- How to effectively use wingmen to help each other and
build your social proof to women...
- The complete Seduction Method, with the steps, foundations, and explanation
of seducing from start to finish...
- A guaranteed conversation starter in the grocery store that works every
single time, and all you have to do is make a mistake...
- The power of the Ultra-Pause - 4 steps to instantly
fully lock her attention onto you in any conversation or social situation...
- Ever run out of things to say? Never again. My "bridging"
technique that will give you an infinite supply of things to talk about with
any woman - anywhere you go...
- Avoiding The Therapist Trap - the way you will most likely
be pulled into "friends only" with a woman, and find yourself obsessed and
tortured by the women you want most...
- Teasing her to turn her on - the right and
wrong ways to start sexually exciting conversations with women - and if you
do it wrong, you'll turn her off in a split second...
- 11 Things you must never bring into your converations with women - or risk
losing her attraction for you and trust in just a few seconds...
- Complete opening approach examples for meeting situations,
such as the grocery store, coffee house, bar, dance club, on the street,
and more!
- Learn the best seduction props and setups to
have with you when you go out...
- How to use the hidden power of the "Takeaway" to drive her crazy
for you...
- The Last Ditch - your parachute and safety
skill for catching the women that almost get away...
- The female seduction types - how to figure out which a
woman is and what will and won't work on her...
- Anatomy of a seduction - A complete seduction,
analyzed, explained, and dissected - from real life...
- Overcoming the trickiest obstacles in seduction - like
stealing her away from another man, or if she knows you're seeing another
- NLP - Neuro-Linguistic Programming - What this
technology REALLY is, and how to use it to increase her attraction - without
feeling creepy...
- Using "Modality" to give you rapid-fire communication power with
a woman's emotional state...
- ONE Simple Technique that puts an end to a woman's "slut
complex" and liberates her from her own sexual confusion...
- Your "Kino" Guide - Kinesthetics -
Where to touch a woman - and just as importantly: when to
touch her...
- The Language of Seduction: A complete glossary
of seduction terminology, so that you know how to think
and understand the terms used in seduction, both online
and off. When you talk with a master seducer or read a posting,
you want to know what the DAI (Dead Approach Invitation)
is and what to do when the LJBF is thrown at you. Do you
know what a PAWN is and how to use one? Learn all the terminology
most critical for your ongoing learning from other Seduction Masters...
- 4 Things you must never do if a woman tries to "cool things off" with you
- and what to do to get them heated right back up again...
- My simple 6-step success plan outlining how
to take things from the meeting to the end of the seduction...
- The "T.E.D." method of meeting any woman at any time...
- The one hurdle to overcome with a woman to ensure success
in seduction - the keystone to her defense system that will crumble
her resistance...
- What a woman really decides in the first few minutes of meeting
you (and it's not just if she's going to sleep with you - it's something
else just as important...)
- Why "working up your courage" never really works, and what to do instead that
will give you confidence when you need it...
- What you must look to find with every woman so you know
what to say to her when you approach her...
- Why a woman can't be manipulated by scarcity when it comes to sex - and
this truth will always affect your attempts to seduce women...
- How to turn the introduction around so that
you are 'testing' the woman instead of the other way
- The three qualities you should test a woman for when deciding
whether or not you are interested in her...
- How "stereotypes" work during the approach
- and how you leverage them to speed things up for you...
- The 4 essential elements of an effective approach...
- How to create your own approaches and the formula you
can use so that you are never tongue-tied by a woman again...
- How to avoid the obvious to appear unique to women you
meet - different than any other guy they've met that night...
- The Failure Logic most guys have that stops you from
approaching - even when you KNOW you should just do it...
- My 19 Step Review Checklist to evaluate yourself at the end
of the night and spot your errors and areas for improvement - learn how to
be your self-coach...
- My "Time To Move On" Strategy - also known as "How to lose a girl in 5
days" - and what you can learn from it...
- How to "dare" a woman into feeling attracted
to you - whether she wants to or not...
- 5 of my "Scam" methods for meeting women - they're a little risky, but
they work like crazy if you use them...
- And so much MORE...
Let me answer a few of your questions...
- Will I have to change myself?
No, you don't have to change your personality. You don't have to become some altered personality just to meet and seduce women.
- Will I have to learn some weird hypnosis patterns?
No, you don't have to memorize patterns, or magic words, or special trance sequences. You know why? Because they almost never work. The fundamentals are what works, every single time.
- Will I have to be a jerk or an asshole to women to seduce them?
ABSOLUTELY NOT. The premise of The Seduction Method is that you don't have to do anything disrespectful or mean to women to succeed with them. Chances are you've seen too many guys who abuse their successful seduction habits.
- Will I Really Learn the True Methods of Seducing Women? Or is this just some collection of ripped off tips?
The Seduction Method is a completely new and thorough process of seduction. This is original content, based on decades of experience (successes and failures) in seduction. You're going to get the true methods of initiating a woman's interest and attraction for you, as well as the complete progression to take it from the first meeting to the first sexual encounter. You'll have all the knowledge you need in this set of three e-books.
- I heard that all you have to do is be "cocky and funny" and you'll attract any woman. Isn't that all I need to do?
No. There's so much more to it than that. In these e-books, you'll get the BIG picture, not a bunch of half-finished ideas. You need the complete suite of tools that will turn you into a total ladies' man. From being funny to teasing, to knowing when to hold back on the compliments. It's all in here.
The Most Complete Seduction Guide
You'll Find -- Anywhere
There's over 300 pages of high-quality seduction strategies in this program of three e-books. You'll be reading it for days, and living it for a lifetime.
Also included in this offer are the Bonus E-books - The Language of Seduction and Meet Her NOW - All 3 books together...
Can you imagine the power that these books will give you?
Remember, this isn't a cost, it's an investment in your life, and your happiness. What's that worth to you?
Your 90 Day DOUBLE Risk-Free Guarantee
Of course, you don't have to decide now. Instead, grab my 90-day risk-free offer!
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If you're not absolutely thrilled, just erase all the files
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Protection #2: Even if you cancel, your efforts won't be for nothing. You'll get to keep the bonuses as my way of saying "Thanks." That's a guaranteed gain, no matter what you decide! |
...I literally take ALL of the risk for you because that's how much I believe in this program.
*** WAIT! ***
You might hold back from investing in this program without realizing
the VALUE.
Can you put a price on experience?
I'm giving you 20+ years of my life experience in getting women and attracting them into my life.
I've been featured as an expert advisor in magazines, radio, and television.

You've seen and heard Carlos
Xuma on:
- ABC Television
- David DeAngelo's Interviews with Dating Gurus
- Playboy Magazine
- Maxim Radio
- World Talk Radio
- "Sex with Emily" radio show
- "Rock Talk" radio show
- The Cliff's List Seminar
- Summum Magazine
- Neil Strauss' StyleLife Academy for "The Game"
Well Big Whoop.
None of that matters if YOU don't get the chance to learn these skills NOW.
Do YOU want to have more success with women - to know how REALLY to talk to women and
attract them?
Hey, I know that this isn't for everyone. Please, I don't want to waste your
time if you're not ready to get the success you've always wanted. I understand...
The knowledge and abilities you will gain are PRICELESS!
My programs will change your life for the better. Act now and get all the beautiful
women you can handle. Take it from an expert who can show you how to do the
same in YOUR life. |
Claim Your Copy of "Seduction Method"
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Guys, you can learn right now what it takes to increase your success with women, in one complete e-book program.
Is there anything worth more to you than learning how to get women into your life?
You won't just read these books once, I guarantee it. You'll use them as a reference for every time you see a woman, and you'll be focused and sharp in the world of seduction.
This entire program of ebooks is packed full of over 300 pages of information and 150,000+ words (that's longer than most of the personal development books you ever see, on the bookstore shelves or online).
In order for you to seduce women you must learn every strategy and tactic you can. If you're fed up with the intimidation you feel around women, that you go into each encounter with a sick sense of dread and loss of power, then you need to build your seduction skills with The Seduction Method Program.
These manuals are the equivalent to getting an octane boost in your gas tank, massively increasing your performance over the other guys out there. You see men who are successful with attractive women all the time, and now you can finally stop taking the scraps from their table and get the same kind of results.
I look forward to coaching you...
Don't be left out! The next move is up to you.
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And, don't forget -- if you
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Carlos Xuma
P.S. You know that learning and improving your seduction skills is something
every man should do. Their inner voice of doubt in every single
man gets in the way of taking a step forward. Don't give in to that voice!
This is an opportunity you must seize. You'll have options with women that
you never imagined before.
Don't talk yourself out of the most important ability you can have as a man. Improve your seduction skills - NOW!
P.P.S. If you don't seize this opportunity,
how will you discover what's holding you back? How will you learn from the
victories (and costly mistakes)? And with your protection DOUBLED you have nothing to lose.
Women are waiting for you...
Yes, the "Seduction Method" Will
Help YOU...
But don't take MY word for it. Check out what some of my other students are
"Thought you would like to know, that I
scored last night! The info from the Seduction Method allowed
me to get her off like none before ... all this studying and practice
are giving me some damn good results..."
- G.C.
"Thank you SO much for The Seduction Method. I LOVE IT!! It's by far
the best things I've read so far. I especially
like all the examples you give. I've got other manuals online before,
but none of them were quite as clear as this... Just owning this manual
will DEFINITELY help me out...
Some of the things you say I subconsciously knew, but when I read them,
it brought it to a whole new light. Just reading some of the information
grew my balls by at least 2 inches in diameter. Anyways, I just wanted
to thank you again for such awesome work...
I have just started to read your material and I can not believe how stupid
I have been. I have always been the type to show of and throw money at
women. Lo and behold, I can get the women without losing my money.
Finally an end to spending money for terrible dates. I can't thank you
- J.S - Annapolis, MD |
"Carlos, hey bro, thanks for Seduction
Method guide. Your book makes the information easily available for me
to use at my finger tips... Great job of putting the information together
in one powerful packed easy to download and print book...
The Seduction Method is more than a book,
it is a reference guide that gives specific
details on how to keep track of what you are doing, setting goals
and using this guide for maximum results.
Thanks again for all the time and attention you spent in providing the
men of this world a simple, easy to use reference ..."
- S in San Rafael, CA |
"This [Seduction Method] is well worth
the money. The materials are deep but go right to
the point. Some of the principles and techniques inside the
book showed just how easily a man can make some serious mistakes without
even knowing it... I can say from personal experience that most if
not all of [the] information presented in the book applies to just
about any woman."
- E.Y.
"Wow... this thing is great... I've ordered other manuals online, and
I must say that this one is the best... I like how you give examples
of what to say, and how to say it... I only wish I had a photographic
memory to remember it all... that's where talking to many girls comes
in... Again, thank you for this... I know I'll be reading it
over and over again, and learning new things that I've previously
- Jerry L.
"I've been studying The Seduction Method dilligently... it's been a
fantastic ride. Truly amazing!... Thank you for your amazing
contribution to my ongoing journey towards success with women..."
- Charles
"Thanks for the Seduction Method... I have learned from your audio
that slowing down and relaxing are fundamental to approaching
women. I used to think I had to try really hard, be super
clever and basically over-think, which really never worked...
"Carlos Xuma has taught me to not react and hide out of fear of just
negative, but that this is all just part of the conquest."
- J.S - Annapolis, MD |
"I'm so excited about this program.
I look forward to this wonderful learning and growing experience,
thank you... I'm in for a lot of good times..."
- S.F.
"... Just began using The Seduction Method and for [the]first time
found a book that is simple, jargon free, and most importantly it works.
I now find myself practicing on every woman I meet and
would recommend this book to other guys who want to succeed with available
- Bill in the U.K.
"The Seduction Method is great... I now know the techniques required
to approach women quickly and easily... Approaching
women used to make me nervous - now I get excited when there is an
opportunity to approach a women as I am confident of success. It's
- Matt |
"...One of the most exceptional methods
I have been acquainted so far with regards [to] success... The simple
and direct yet well informed manner of communicating the secrets
by Carlos Xuma are easy to understand and take to practice.
I just wish other men interested in improving their luck when seducing
women try it the way I am determined to. Keep the good work Carlos!!!"
- E.F.
"Carlos, I just read your e-book - I've read many of them lately, and
yours is absolutely head & shoulders above anything else I've ever read
on the subject.
"No bullshit hype and no cruelty -- you are
right on about a lot of things that many men only whisper (not daring
to speak aloud) about... Great job. Again thanks"
- D.C.
"The Seduction Method is the absolutely best of all seduction books -
it's relevant and applicable - it's one of the modern man's most valuable
tools in his everyday life.
The Seduction Method marks the beginning of a new era of revelation
and un-mystification of what women want. It's built upon a strong
basis of science and thus reliable.
The Seduction Method also contains very useful and true philosophical
wisdom, although written in an easy-to-understand format."
- V.S. |
"You have done it again brother! The
'Seduction Method' ROCKS! Great quality once again! I own almost every
seduction manual on the market, and yours are unquestionably
the best! Thanks again...!"
- D.S.
"Superb teachings! After only one reading I've already had success in
numerous bars. Your recommendation to practice online have shown to be
very useful in developing seduction skills. I feel
more confident and more at ease with women. I would strongly
recommend this to anyone!!"
- L.P.Z.
"The Seduction Method is without the shadow of a doubt the best
investment a single male can make in order to date either Mrs.
Right or just any other girl he fancies for that matter... I just didn't
know how...until I assimilated the essential knowledge contained in The
Seduction Method and put it into practice! I strongly recommend The Seduction
Method to any man who wants to be successful with women."
- L.G.
"This is the bomb. I've read everything I can get my hands on for years.
I'm not even close to finishing your books yet today a chick asked me
for my number, gave me hers and said she would call me. I've been avoiding
going with friends to a new place that's full of hotties, but tonight I
am going with total confidence... Thank you for your great books."
- R.M.
"... I can tell you in advance that it's amazing... you must be awarded
for having in one book that kind of knowledge so well explained
and so exactly, I mean everything you say in the method is true,
thank you for shar[ing] that knowledge with the male world..."
- J.H.G.
"First I want to say (in the name of women logic) that these books are
more than just insightful. Actually after reading all these books, although
sometimes overwhelming, you start to piece together the bigger picture.
But if there is one thing I can say you will understand in the end, by
reading this book, it's 'You must know you know how, not think you know
how'. If you don't get this now, you will by reading these awesome books.
"...the most common thinking with guys is always, 'Hey, look, I want
some of that ass' or 'I want to have some fun with that', dude, just
take some Ritalin, chill your hormones; and instead, use that energy
to form a better man... And yes, ultimately, the women
will come.
P.S. Thanks for the help"
- Zach |
of The Seduction Method
"One word describes Seduction Method - HOT!
Seduction Method is an e-book written by Carlos Xuma; a self profess
guru in this topic with lots of hands-on experience. Here, he shares
his understanding and knowledge of the art of seducing women with you.
The ultimate goal of a seduction is sex ˆ and this book
shows you how to get there.
Seduction Method as its name suggest approaches the subject at hand very
methodically and covers the subject very comprehensively. As a matter
of fact, you can call it the bible of seduction.
The interesting about Seduction Method is; it not only explains to you
on the various stages of seduction, it also tells you much more than
that. Seduction Method kicks off with the definition and psychology
behind seduction.
Psychology of seduction gives readers a delightful insight in a woman's
psyche. That would be a very helpful piece on information in your quest
to sort of understand a woman.
This is followed by the stages of seduction; the interesting thing about
this segment is the author's illustration on ways to approach women in
different situation and scenarios. Here, the author pretty much covers
most of the scenarios you are likely to run into women. I like
the examples given as they spell out the goals that you should try to
achieve and how you should proceed to achieve that goal.
Another interesting section is the one on the classification of women
into different categories. The characteristics of different categories
listed here can come in handy in a seduction exercise. There's also a
write up on Kino which one can use to effectively speed up the seduction
This book will not be complete if it only teaches how to seduce a woman
without teaching you how to give them pleasure. Human in general love
to feel good, so if the woman you seduce had a great time, you can bet
your last dollar she'll be back for more. The last part of this book
is dedicated to those who seek to improve and sharpen
their bedroom skills. A definite must read for Casanovas and
those who wish to keep their woman happy.
Seduction Method even goes the extra mile by giving you tips on how to
disentangle yourself from a target, something akin to 'How To Lose A
Girl in 5 days.'
Last but not least the author enthuses on the importance of seduction
in every romantic involvement, be it a short term fling or a
long term relationship."
- Teddy Shabba, DatingAdviceCoach.com |
to what the other gurus are saying about Carlos' work...
"If I knew about Carlos Xuma's products earlier
in my life, it would have saved me a lot of years... Trust me, Carlos
has changed my life -- he can change yours too!"
- Oliver T., CEO - Captivate 2 Connect
"... We're here to say with absolute CERTAINTY
that you clearly deserve to be amongst the top 1% within the crowded
triangle.... He always OVERDELIVERS in his dating programs and, long
story short... his techniques WILL get you the results you want. Period."
- Simon Heong/David K- Publishers: Instant
Approaching Secrets, ApproachingWomenTips.com
"Carlos Xuma is a man who has a clear passion
for imparting the success with women he has experienced to other guys
worldwide. He approaches his craft with immense integrity and a distinct
- Scot McKay, X & Y Communications,
"Carlos Xuma is the REAL DEAL! If you are serious
about creating an extraordinary relationship. I highly recommend Carlos
to any man who is ready to get the woman of his dreams. I love his game,
it's 100% real."
- the dean, Dating4Men.com
"Carlos Xuma is one of those rare guys in the field
who actually GETS what interacting with women is all about. His advice
goes beyond the pick-up lines and approach techniques..."
- James Brito, How to Be Irresistible
to Women
"Carlos Xuma is one of the few men in the 'seduction'
or 'attraction' community who digs beneath the surface of passing attraction,
and explores what it is to be a man who attracts women by virtue of his
character and, consequently, the natural outward expression of high character..."
- Adam Gilad, CEO - net2bed.com
"Hey Carlos, I write about the biology of men and
women's behavior. You seem to know the biology of behavior without knowing
it. How do you do that? You have a deep intuition of dynamics - it took
me 7 years of academic research to discover. And you find sharp ways
to apply it practically... Keep up the good work, brother."
- Joe Quirk, Author of "Sperm are from
Men, Eggs are from Women"
"I've read every book and studied every system
on dating and seduction. ... Xuma is the best there is at teaching men
how to develop their 'inner game.' From there, he'll give you the complete
set of tools for approaching women, and life, with absolute confidence
and skill. If you're in this game to win it, these are the rules you
need to learn."
- Dean Cortez, M.A.C.K. Tactics co-creator
Press play to hear Rion...
"Carlos Xuma is on the 'dating forefront' of teaching
guys in this area and he can help YOU fast-forward your own skills and
confidence to get R.E.A.L. results with women."
- Rion Williams, abovethegame.net
Press play to hear Jason...
"I was blown away by how much this guy knows...
I highly recommend learning from this man..."
- Jason K.
Press play to hear Mehow...
"Great stuff... Really awesome... this stuff will
put all the elements together man... I highly recommend it..."
- Mehow, In-field Insider |
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